by Mike De Socio

You’re a journalist, and you’ve got a burning idea for a story you can turn into a nonfiction book. Maybe it’s an extension of some reporting you’ve already done, or a totally new topic you want to explore.

This is where I was about five years ago. I was a journalist at a small newspaper in upstate New York, and I wanted to tackle my first nonfiction book (the level of unearned confidence there bordered on delusion). I started writing and reporting, and after about a year I had some early chapters done.

But … then what? I truly had no idea what to do next. Do I just call up Simon & Schuster and ask them to read it? (Spoiler alert: no). It took me a long time, and lots of stumbling around in the dark, to learn that I needed to write a book proposal

So let’s fast-forward and help you avoid the wasted months (or years). If you want to get going on your nonfiction book, the Longform Lab’s free Nonfiction Book Proposal Template is the place to start.

What is the The Nonfiction Book Proposal Template?

The Nonfiction Book Proposal Template is a page-by-page guide to crafting the document you’ll need to hook a literary agent (and eventually a publisher). The book proposal is your key to the publishing industry, and this template will help you create a winning one.

I modeled this template off my own book proposal, which earned me an agent and a publishing deal. I break down each section you’ll need in the proposal, how long it should be and what you should watch out for. I also help you understand the weird mix of sales-and-narrative writing that a book proposal requires. 

It’s basically a fill-in-the-blank document you can load up with all of your glorious new nonfiction book material.

Why do I need the template?

You don’t need anything, strictly speaking. But trust me: This will save you a lot of time. You could stumble around like I did, trying to figure out how the hell to get yourself published … or you could literally copy my (successful) proposal format and get a jumpstart on the entire process.

Even if you don’t think you’re ready yet, the template will actually help you understand what you need to do (maybe write another sample chapter, or outline the rest of the book) in order to get there. In many ways, the proposal template is your roadmap to the publishing process–and it’s a document you’ll refer to again and again, even after you secure a book deal.

Now let’s get you going on the path to publication. Grab the free Nonfiction Book Proposal Template today!

What if I need more help?

I’m glad you asked. The book proposal is super important, but it’s just one piece of the book publication puzzle.

If you feel like you need more help, you’re in the right place. The Longform Lab’s new course, The Writer’s Cabin, offers step-by-step guidance to get all the way from book idea to book publication.
It’s all online and self-paced, but you’ll have access to me for support along the way if you need it. Take a peek inside, and join us in the cabin. Check out The Writer’s Cabin to learn more!