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for longform writers who want a skills refresher, accountability, and mentorship

A six week online writing course

Have a sprawling idea and big ambitions for a longform project but need a little help in making it happen? Join the Longform Lab.

Are you struggling with finishing your longform writing project?

but need a push to finish your high-quality draft and get ready for whatever next steps or big plans you have for your project!

You want to write...

but aren't sure the best way to do so. There just seem like so many ways to go about it!

You know your story is worth telling...

but struggle to get them over the finish line.

You have big ideas...

Now let me guess...

If you’ve chosen this class, you are probably something like me: you have a lot of ideas, excitement, and passion, and the skills to execute whatever project you’re working on, from a book proposal to a narrative podcast series, and everything in between. And yet— actually making it happen can be harder than you thought.

I've been there— more than once. The new idea feels shiny and exciting, but once you get into the nitty gritty, it's a slog. For a long time, I struggled to get past that point. Finally, I figured out my own systems for not only my mindset but also my storytelling and writing process. I quit my day job after six years at CNN. I finished and published my first book-- and my second and third-- and built a successful freelance writing career with bylines in VICE, Teen Vogue, The Washington Post, CNN, The Guardian, and plenty more. Now, I'm able to support myself as a full-time freelance writer and work for myself!

Meet your teacher

Nora Neus

In 6 weeks, you will know exactly how to tackle your specific project and have a list of action items and a plan to achieve them.

Now, I’d like to share my process and tricks with you in a hands-on and supportive 6-week online class that will help you develop your story, write the next draft (whether that’s the first or 50th), and provide accountability along the way.

a finished draft

a project that communicates a deeper message

sharing your perspective

changing the world

 I can't wait to share everything I've learned over the course of my career to help you achieve your writing goals! I will get you on the fast track to:

Stories can change the world.

Yours is worth telling.

sign up here

A six week program for longform writers who want a skills refresher, accountability, and mentorship


Character-mapping techniques to make sure you're representing all necessary viewpoints-- and keeping your story interesting!

Story structure exercises to help your writing move forward and keep your audience's attention

Foolproof tips to combat writer's block, which I use in my own writing practice

Editing exercises for that moment when you know you should be revising, but aren't sure where to start

Inside this course you'll learn how to write a longform story from beginning to end, including:

At the beginning of each week, you’ll receive pre-recorded video lessons and an accompanying workbook to work through. Along the way, you can email me directly with questions or for encouragement.

At the end of each week, you can submit any other questions to me. You'll also have specific action items to complete, so that you know exactly what you need to do to stay on track!

How does it work?

Click each week to take a look at what's included!

Ready to peek inside?

Week one

The Core of Your Story

The core of your story
Getting organized
Goal setting

This week, we'll start off strong by focusing on the most important part of your story: its core. We'll work through exercises together to reveal what that true inner core is and what message you're trying to communicate. We'll also organize whatever writing, notes, or research you have so far, as well as set specific goals for our time together.

week two

Story & Character

Topic v. story
Medium matters
Bias & blindspots

This week, we'll dive deeper into your characters, whether those are real people in a work of nonfiction or journalism, or fictional characters you've created yourself. We'll also begin a discussion of story arc and choosing a medium for your final story, if you haven't already.

week Three


Structure masterclass

This week is all about structure! Instead of working through a few shorter lessons, we'll focus on a structure masterclass. By the end of this week, you'll have a full outline of your story!

Week Four


Revisiting your SMART goal
Writer's block

This week, we'll focus on drafting, which is another term for writing. This is where the rubber hits the road. You'll write your draft in earnest now. But don't worry- you're not left alone. I'll still be there every step of the way to break it down.

week Five


Big picture editing
Cut and paste method
Line editing

This week we'll talk all about how to edit your longform story. We'll go over both big picture, structural editing techniques and sentence-level line editing tips and tricks. By the end of the week, you'll have a full revision plan in hand.

Week Six

Finishing Up

Pitching & publishing
Evaluating your SMART goal
Next steps

Finally, the Longform Lab will finish up with a lesson all about pitching and publication. You'll finish this week with a final pitch document for your story, which you can use with editors or publishers down the line. We'll also take a look at your goal and work thus far, and create an action plan for your next steps in your writing career!

Hear from past students!

sign up NOW

For six full weeks AFTER you finish all the course curriculum, you'll still have access to all videos, worksheets, and even unlimited email support with me. You can keep writing your longform story while knowing you have help when you need it.

Six more weeks of support



An exclusive community of like-minded writers

As a student, you'll get access to the Longform Lab community group. You can bounce ideas off each other and maybe find a new critique partner!

You can achieve all this and more. And you won't be navigating it all alone.

A finished story!

an unfinished project

Ready to write with easy tips and tricks

unable to get over the hump of writer's block

Confident about your story structure

Confused about how to tell a cohesive story without eliminating too many details

Knowing exactly what each next step is

Overwhelmed by the enormity of the project in front of you

To this

From this

In just six weeks, you'll go...

No! And that's one of the big strengths of the Longform Lab. I firmly believe strong storytelling principles are consistent across mediums, and that writers in different mediums can learn a lot from each other. 

I have an idea for a story, but I'm not sure if it should be a book or a documentary or what. Do I need to know that before I apply?

Also totally fine, as long as you're open to rethinking some aspects of your project. You'll actually be at an advantage for some of the exercises if you already have an idea of your characters, story structure, and more.

I have a full draft of a 300 page book, but something just isn't working right, and I can't put my finger on it. Is that okay?

Yes, absolutely! Previous students have started from basically zero and used the exercises and lessons in this course to build up and write a successful longform story by the end.

 I have an idea, but it's still really sparse, and I haven't started anything concrete yet. Is that okay? 

And just in case you're wondering....

Yes, it is! The Longform Lab is 100% asynchronous. You'll complete each week's lessons, videos, and exercises at your own pace. But you'll never be alone! You have unlimited email support directly with me for the whole course-- and six weeks afterwards, too!

I'm in a different timezone/ traveling a lot/ have an unpredictable schedule. Is this course right for me?

Great! Changing your mind is a key part of the creative process, and very encouraged during the Longform Lab. You won't be held firmly to the story idea in your application.

What if I change my mind about what story I want to work on after I apply?

“It was even better than I imagined! I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but it was so manageable and fitting for a wide variety of creative projects.

This course has brought much needed structure and focus to all the writing I always want to do.

I've enjoyed the course immensely because the lessons are clear and quick so there is not so much pressure, and the feedback is invaluable.

 I thought it was a nice sweet spot of resources (not too many, not too few), plus I knew if I wanted more, I could ask!” 

"I especially liked Nora's positive can-do attitude and willingness to share tips. She's a natural teacher as well as an excellent writer."

"I can't thank you enough! Now I will be submitting more creative writing pieces to magazines for external publication. Thank you again, I couldn't have done any of this without your help and inspiration."

“Nora was organized, clear, and gave practical advice.  Her honesty, transparency, and specificity were empowering and engaging for the audience. It was apparent that she wanted all of us to succeed . Many thanks!”

"Before Longform Lab, I was slowly diving back into writing and trying to take it more seriously. I had published articles before, but I didn't have the consistency or follow through to make writing a practice.

In going through the supportive and informative process of Longform Lab, I was able to better understand my writing goals, craft better pieces, organize myself, and understand what it takes and how to go about publication. After each lesson, I was inspired to write and keep at it. This course was easy to follow, empowering and just what I needed to grow my confidence as a writer and enjoy the process."

Here's what some past students have said.

But don't just trust me!

-Michelle A.

-Former student


-Former student

-Former student

That's me!

You're willing to put the time and effort into your writing if someone would just tell you what to do next!

You could use a little bit of hand-holding on the way to becoming a professional writer :)

You're not sure how to finish your story, but you know it's worth telling.

Your new idea feels shiny and exciting, but once you get into the nitty gritty, it's a slog.

You have a lot of ideas, excitement, and passion for your story, but actually making it happen is harder than you thought.

You and the Longform Lab are made for each other if...

Still wishing that you could finally finish that longform story you've been dreaming out? Or sitting at your desk, triumphantly typing "THE END." Sign up for the Longform Lab and I'll help you get there.

Stories can change the world. And yours is worth telling.

Where do you want to be in six weeks? 

sign up now


Have questions? Get in touch!